2 Billion Under 20: August Reading Recommendation
At the National Speakers Convention this year, I had the pleasure of seeing Jared Kleinert speak about his newly released book “2 Billion Under 20.” Along with co-author Stacey Ferreira, Jared’s power-packed book highlights the successful journeys of 75 influential, world-changing, entrepreneurial millennials. These individuals are doing and will continue to do incredible things. These young innovators know how to set and get goals.
I personally was inspired by the powerful language and inspiring quotations woven throughout the book. Quotations such as Stephen Ou, who said to ask yourself, “Do my ideas solve people’s problems or fulfill people’s needs?” Or, Payal Lal, who said, “Don’t be afraid of taking the wrong turns. Don’t give regrets a chance.”
Just a few chapters in, I found myself thinking differently, absorbing the energy of these young minds and challenging myself to think differently about my business and my life.
Whether young or old, “2 Billion Under 20” will teach you how successful people think and show you what happens when you approach life wide open.
Grab yourself a copy today. You won’t regret it.

Photo cred: 2 Billion Under 20
Dr. Susanne Gaddis
The Communications Doctor
web: www.CommunicationsDoctor.com
email: gaddis@CommunicationsDoctor.com
phone: 919-933-3237